
Female Sexuality

Dyspareunia: Advances in Diagnosis, Treatment and Counseling (online article)

Recognition, Evaluation and Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD): Article in supplement to The Federal Practitioner

Communications strategies in assisting sexual health: the directed interview: uncovering the need for a comprehensive interview. Test & Teach web-based CME program

Analysis of Products for Female Sexual Enhancement.

Literature Review/gap analysis. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Management of Female Sexual Dysfunction: An examination of barriers, practice patterns, and physician characteristics. Editorial/content assistance for article submitted to Journal of Sexual Medicine.

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 Clinical Practice Assessment: Permanent contraception: Strategies and solutions.

 Clinical Practice Assessment: Long-acting reversible contraceptives.

 The Challenges of Contraception in the VA/DOD Health Care Setting.  Journal article

 Contraception Update 2010.  Web-based Test and Teach CME online program

 Preventing Unintended Pregnancy:  Advances in Hormonal Contraception.  A Focus on Compliance.  Freestanding 8-page clinical article.

 Preventing Unintended Pregnancy:  Advances in Hormonal Contraception.  Standards of Care.  Freestanding 8-page clinical article.  

 Preventing Unintended Pregnancy:  Advances in Hormonal Contraception.  9-article AJOG supplement based upon an NICHD conference.  Project management.

 Communicating Contraceptive Efficacy:  What you see may not be what you get.  Clinical article.

 ORTHO EVRA®/EVRA® Experts’ Panel Meeting.  Executive Summary:  Post-Marketing Review.

 Is it time for a change?  Reevaluating your hormonal contraceptive patient.  Clinical article.

 Current Advances in Oral Contraceptives:  OC Use in Patients with Common Medical Conditions. Newsletter Article.

 Rationale for New Contraceptive Methods.  Clinical journal article

 Efficacy and Safety of the Transdermal Contraceptive System.  Clinical journal article

 A Review of Current/Future Hormonal Contraceptives:  A Focus on Progestins.  A CME white paper.

 Preventing Unintended Pregnancy:  Advances in Hormonal Contraception.  24-page highlights newsletter of an NIH-sponsored conference.

 Preventing Unintended Pregnancy:  Advances in Hormonal Contraception.  36-page Scientific Monograph of an NIH-sponsored conference.

 Unintended Pregnancies: Causes, Consequences, & Prevention.  Newsletter article.

 Unintended Pregnancies: Emerging Trends in Oral Contraceptives.  Balancing Dose and Tolerability.  Newsletter article.

 Unintended Pregnancies: Improving Cycle Control and Successful OC Use.  Newsletter.

Patient Compliance with a Novel Transdermal Contraceptive System.  8-page scientific newsletter.

 Patch Adhesiveness and Wearability of EVRATM:  A Transdermal Contraceptive System.  8-page scientific newsletter.

 Roundtable:  Emerging Trends Towards Successful Oral Contraceptive Use: A Focus on Innovative Formulations.  Slide/lecture presentations and Abstracts (240 slides in total).

  • Unintended pregnancy: The ongoing saga

  • Oral contraceptives: The cornerstone of contraception

  • Established & emerging noncontraceptive health benefits

  • The evolving state of oral contraceptives

  • Integrating clinical strategies and innovative OC formulations to maximize patient success

  • Enhancing OC adherence through clinician/patient counseling


AAFP article: Reversible Contraceptive Selection.  Medical and Legal Considerations for Clinicians.

 AAFP Video CME Program: Contraceptive Choices: Helping Your Patients Decide.  30-minute video with accompanying monograph.

 The use of oral contraceptives to treat common adolescent hormonal disorders.  Video CME program and accompanying monograph.

 Revisiting Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptives.  Monograph.

 Acne and Oral Contraceptives.  30-minute CME Video program, and accompanying monograph.

 Intrauterine Devices:  Current State of the Art.  24-page scientific monograph.

 Intrauterine Devices:  State-of-the-Art Conference.  8-page scientific newsletter of conference highlights.

 Clinical Experience with Today's IUDs.  6-page scientific article.

 IUDs:  A Clinical Perspective.  4-page scientific article.

 Androgens and Women's Health:  Clinical Significance for Contraception.  ARHP Clinical Proceedings.

 Preventing Unwanted Pregnancies:  The Role of Hormonal Contraceptives.  Scientific newsletter.

 Preventing Unintended Pregnancy: The Role of Hormonal Contraceptives. 24-page scientific monograph.

 Obstacles to the Use of Hormonal Contraception.  Published proceedings based on the NICHD-sponsored conference:  Preventing Unintended Pregnancies.

 Epidemiology of Unintended Pregnancy and OC Use.  Published proceedings based on the NICHD-sponsored conference:  Preventing Unintended Pregnancies.

 Androgenic Effects of Oral Contraceptives:  Implications for Patient Compliance.  Scientific manuscript.

 Norgestimate:  A Balanced Approach to Oral Contraception.  Scientific article.

 Coagulation Disorders in Women.  Scientific article.


Menopause and Hormone Therapy

Development of two separate journal articles based on 2 international surveys of menopausal women; women’s expectations and women’s experience with menopause therapies. (Submitted Spring 2020)

Journal supplement: Dyspareunia (OBG Management)

Journal supplement: HSDD (OBG Management)

Overcoming barriers to talking with your patients about HSDD: Screening tools and advances in treatment.

The role of SERMs in managing the most bothersome symptoms of vulvovaginal atrophy – dyspareunia and dryness. Article

Speaker Training Slide Deck/Lecture Notes on new bioidentical hormone replacement

Clinical Narrative white paper: Menopause

Journal supplement (OBG Management):

VVA and GSM: Understanding and Resolving the Distress They Cause to Women and Clinicians
Pathophysiology and Diagnosis of Dyspareunia Associated with Vulvovaginal Atrophy
Dyspareunia: Innovations in Therapy

Series of consumer-focused articles on menopause for major OTC menopause-related products

Maximizing HRT Effectiveness:  The Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in Women.  8-page scientific newsletter.

 Maximizing HRT Effectiveness: The prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in women.  16-page newsletter.

 AAFP Video CME Program.  The Benefits and Concerns of Hormone Replacement Therapy.  30-minute video with accompanying monograph.

 Confronting Aging and Disease: The role of HRT.  AAFP 12-page journal supplement article.

 Confronting Aging and Disease: The role of HRT.  ACOG 8-page journal supplement highlights article.

 Advances in Estrogen Action.  Series of 8-page newsletters based upon national conferences for a variety of medical organizations, including ACOFP, AAPA, ACC, ACOG, AANP.

 Myths and Misperceptions: Breast Cancer and HRT.  Newsletter based upon national conference. 

 Advances in Estrogen Action: Disease Prevention and Treatment.  Video Script and accompanying 16-page scientific Monograph.

 Cardiovascular Disease in Women.  Scientific newsletter for Family Physicians.

 Cardiovascular Disease in Women.  Scientific newsletter for OB-GYNs.

 Cardiovascular Disease in Women.  Scientific newsletter for clinicians specializing in Reproductive Medicine.

 Managing and Assessing Cardiovascular Disease in Black Women.  Scientific newsletter.

 Women's Health in the Perimenopause:  Implications for Clinicians.  ARHP Clinical Proceedings


Urogenital Health

Branching Cases: Stress urinary incompetence (SUI) in women; interactive eLearning

Advancing care for women with pelvic pain: A case-based approach to improving patient outcomes. Test-and-Teach online program.

Managing urinary incontinence: How would you care for this post-menopausal patient? Test-and-Teach online program.

 Subjective Outcomes following Sacral Colpopexy: Changes in Prolapse Symptom Severity, Bowel Habits, Pain, Urinary Continence, and Quality of Life.  Writing and editorial assistance in developing an article on a clinical trial; submitted to a scientific journal.

 Can Urethral Resistance Pressures Predict Success or Failure of a Mid-Urethral Sling?  Writing and editorial assistance in developing an article based on a clinical trial; submitted to scientific journal.

 “Female Patient” supplement on Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome

                Evaluation and Treatment of IC/PBS

                IC/PBS:  Overlapping Symptoms

                What is Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome

                Attaining and Maintaining Quality of Life:  A Testimonial

 Evolving Strategies in the Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  12-page AUGS highlights newsletter

 Understanding Interstitial Cystitis.  2 Scientific newsletters (a general overview and case studies) presented by The American Medical Women’s Association.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin.  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  Scientific newsletter.

 Managing Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in Women in the Era of Antibiotic Resistance:  A Case-Based Approach.  A series of 2 educational newsletters.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  5-article journal supplement to the Journal of Reproductive Medicine.

                Chronic pelvic pain in women:  focus on the bladder

                Chronic pain syndromes of gynecologic origin 

                Chronic pelvic pain of bladder origin:  epidemiology, pathogenesis, and quality of life

                Diagnosing chronic pelvic pain of bladder origin

                Multimodal therapy for interstitial cystitis

 The Office on Women’s Health of the US Department of Health and Human Services Presents Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  Two 8-page Case Study Newsletters:

                Patients Who Fail Endometriosis Therapy

                Patients With Bladder-Related Diagnoses

 Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  Interstitial Cystitis.  Hospital Physician:  Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Manual.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin.  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  24-page scientific monograph.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  12-page OB-GYN Rounds article.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  5-article CME supplement to “Women’s Health Care”

                Female Chronic Pelvic Pain

                IC:  Causes and Consequences

                Diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis

                Therapeutic Options

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  The Association of Reproductive Health Professionals Clinical Proceedings.

 Bladder Conditions in Women.  CME Supplement to The Female Patient

                Evaluation and treatment of interstitial cystitis

                Potassium Sensitivity Test

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  35 slide/lecture kit for web-based teleconference.  Accompanying 16-page CME monograph.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  Interstitial Cystitis.  Highlights newsletter, monograph, abstract and journal article.

 Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: Evaluating and Treating Interstitial Cystitis.  60-page clinician’s handbook.

 Overactive Bladder.  24-page Monograph from a Department of Health and Human Services roundtable.



Labor and Delivery / Infertility

Expert Commentary: Induction of Labor 

On-Time Arrival: Talking to Patients About Non-medically Indicated Early Term Deliveries.  Test-and-Teach on-line CME program.

 A Safety Review of Progestins in the Prevention and Treatment of Preterm Birth.  White Paper.

 Assessment and Diagnosis of Preterm Labor.  Scientific newsletter.

 The Economics of Atosiban Usage.  15-slide presentation and lecture commentary.

 The Role of Atosiban in Preterm Labor.  Scientific poster.



Clinical Practice Assessment: Osteoporosis 

Referenced guidelines listing on osteoporosis

 Article review:  Expert Insights into “Denosumab for prevention of fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis” (Cummings et al 2009)

 Article review:  Expert Insights into “Secondary contributors to bone loss in osteoporosis related hip fractures” (Edwards et al 2008)

 Article review:  Expert Insights into “Zoledronic acid and clinical fractures and mortality after hip fracture” (Lyles et al 2007).

 Abstract:  Reduced Osteoporotic Fracture Rate with Enhance Adherence to Bisphosphonate Therapy.  Accepted for annual Endocrine Society Conference, 2005

 Abstract:  Adherence to bisphosphonate therapy:  relationship to bone fractures at 24 months in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Accepted as an oral presentation at the 2005 NOF conference.

 Poster:  Adherence to bisphosphonate therapy:  relationship to bone fractures at 24 months in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Submitted to annual NOF, 2005.

 Abstract:  Adherence and bone fractures after 24 months of bisphosphonate treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Submitted to annual AANP conference, 2005.

 Journal article.  Ibandronate:  A once-a-month oral therapy for postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Review article for endocrinologists to be submitted for publication May 2005.

 Journal article:  The correlation between treatment adherence with bisphosphonates and fracture rates:  results from the Medstat MarketScan® Database.  Submitted for journal publication.

 Abstract.  Adherence to bisphosphonate therapy for postmenopausal osteoporosis reduces risk of nonvertebral bone fracture.  Submitted to annual NAMS conference, 2005.

 Abstract.  Adherence to bisphosphonates reduces nonvertebral fracture risk in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Submitted to annual ACR conference, 2005.

 Abstract.  Adherence to bisphosphonate therapy reduces nonvertebral osteoporotic fracture risk.  Submitted to annual ASBMR conference, 2005.


Miscellaneous - Women’s Health Care

 Folate supplementation for preconception care.  Needs Assessment

Series of 6 free-standing 16-page articles, sponsored by the American Medical Women's Association, based upon proceedings from the Advanced Curriculum on Women's Health Conference:

Module 1:  "Enhancing Women's Use of Preventive Medicine”
Module 2:  "Breast Cancer Screening, Detection, and Diagnosis”
Module 3:  "Health Maintenance and Screening Procedures:  Gynecologic Cancers"
Module 4:  "Changes in the Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy"
Module 5:  "Anxiety and Depression in Women"
Module 6:  "Cardiovascular Disease in Women"

Laparoscopically-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy.  White paper.