
Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias. Developed 12 (of 16) 1-hour fully-referenced teaching modules (slides plus lecture notes/faculty guide) for an online medical curriculum supported by HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration). https://bhw.hrsa.gov/grants/geriatrics/alzheimers-curriculum (Modules 1-12).

Alzheimer Disease. Online CME-based Clinical Practice Challenge. 

 Case Challenges in Early Alzheimer Disease.  Online CME-based Test-and-Teach

 Alzheimer Disease: Incorporating the Human Element for Diagnosis and Treatment.  Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.

 Overcoming Barriers to the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease.  16-page White paper.




Assessment and Treatment Decisions for Major Depressive Disorder: Improving the Quality of Patient Care. Test and tech web-based CME program

 Case considerations in MDD Treatment: Focus on Cognition and Sleep. Clinical update

 Screening and Managing Suicidality in Adult Depression.  Test-&-Teach web-based CME program

 Clinical considerations in major depressive disorder: focus on treatment resistant depression.  Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.

 Clinical depression and anxiety in women. Journal supplement.

 AAFP Video CME Program.  Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  30-minute video with accompanying monograph.



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Adult ADHD:  Typical presentations in primary care.  Test & Teach web-based CME program.

 Adult ADHD: The evolving treatment paradigm.  Clinical Update online-CME program

 Women with ADHD: Unique presentation and approaches to management.  Test & Teach web-based CME program.

 A college student with ADHD and Recreational Drug Use.  Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.

 The Impact, Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult ADHD Complicated By Depression. Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.

 Two young students with ADHD and Tic Disorders. Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.


Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia

Improving Metabolic Screening for Patients on Antipsychotic Therapy.  On-line CME Article

Building an Environment to Improve Metabolic Screening For Patients on Antipsychotic Therapy. On-line CME article

Managing Schizophrenia in a Patient with Alcohol Abuse and Hepatic Impairment.  Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.

Clinical Practice Assessment: Managing bipolar depression in the presence of comorbid medical disorders

 An ever-increasing pharmacopoeia for the management of patients with bipolar disorder.  Journal article.

 Topiramate for the management of Bipolar Disorders.  Poster presentation abstracts (5)

 Risperidone for the management of Bipolar Disorders.  Poster presentation abstracts (6)

 Evolving Role of Topiramate in Bipolar Disorders.  A comparison of the pharmacology and side effects with other mood stabilizers.  Journal article

 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder.  Journal article

 Practical Application of Topiramate in the Management of Bipolar Disorder.  Journal article

 Anticonvulsant Agents for the Management of Bipolar Disorders: New Hope for the Future?  Journal Article


Sleep Disorder


Patient cases to improve diagnosis and management of narcolepsy. Test and teach web-based CME program

 Struggling with Shift Work.  Test and Teach Web-based CME Program

 Improving Assessment of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  Test and Teach Web-based CME Program


Spasticity and Spinal Surgery


BoNT-A for Spasticity: transforming science into clinical success. Slide lecture program

Conference coverage of International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS 2017; Boca Raton FL). https://www.spineuniverse.com/author/47578/schneider

Bundled payments in spine surgery: lessons learned

Spine surgery “hype”: robotics, biologics, navigation, lasers

Factors affecting medical diagnosis related group (DRG) reimbursement for minimally invasive deformity spine surgery

Why perform spinal injections at all? Evidence is weak

Benefits of walking sticks in patients with adult degenerative scoliosis

3D-printed PEEK implants in cervical spondylotic myelopathy

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: are there advantages of surgical correction during adolescence?

Facilitating greater osseointegration properties with a deeply porous titanium scaffold in PEEK


Miscellaneous - Psychiatry

Optimizing MS diagnosis and treatment across phenotypes. 4 patient cases

Recognizing and managing suboptimal therapeutic response in MS. 4 patient cases

Clinical Practice Assessment: Parkinson disease psychosis

 Everolimus alters white matter diffusion in tuberous sclerosis complex.  Teaching slide deck

 Report of the American Epilepsy Society and the Epilepsy Foundation Joint Task Force on Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy:  Teaching slide deck

 Perempanel in Epilepsy:  Master Slide deck

 Improving Metabolic Screening for Patients on Antipsychotic Therapy.  On-line CME Article

 Building an Environment to Improve Metabolic Screening For Patients on Antipsychotic Therapy. On-line CME article

 Managing Schizophrenia in a Patient with Alcohol Abuse and Hepatic Impairment.  Test-&-Teach web-based CME program.

 The Role of Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence.  Journal article.

 Efficacy of topiramate in the treatment of essential tremor.  Slide presentation

 Study Protocol: Evaluation of the efficacy of topiramate in the treatment of essential tremor.  Slide presentation