Articles Written

Men’s Health Care


Complex Case: Postoperative complications from implantation of penile prosthesis for erectile restoration; branching logic case

Complex Case: Postoperative complications from implantation of artificial urinary sphincter: branching logic case

Diagnosing and Managing Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men in a Primary Care Setting. Test-and-Teach web-based CME program. 

Engaging in the Difficult Discussion (low testosterone).  Test-and-Teach web-based CME program.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for the Management of Male Hypogonadism with Associated Comorbidities.  CME case-study.

 6-article journal supplement on Premature Ejaculation.

                Premature Ejaculation:  On defining and quantifying the most common male sexual dysfunction

                Diagnosing premature ejaculation

Etiology of ejaculation and pathophysiology of premature ejaculation

                Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of premature ejaculation

                Current and future pharmacotherapies of premature ejaculation

                The psychology of premature ejaculation:  therapies and consequences


What Every FP Needs to Know About Premature Ejaculation:  The most common male sexual dysfunction.  12-page AAFP newsletter

Evolving Diagnosis and Management of Ejaculatory Disorders:  A Focus on Premature Ejaculation.  12-page scientific newsletter

Diagnosing and Managing Premature Ejaculation in the Primary Care Setting.  12-page scientific newsletter.

Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin in Men:  A revealing look at the relationship between nonbacterial prostatitis and IC based upon a DHHS Roundtable “Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.”

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes/Interstitial Cystitis in Men.  40 slide/lecture kit for web-based teleconference. 

Frequently Asked Questions.  FAQs in CPP/IC.  Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.  8-page scientific newsletter.

Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin in Men:  A Revealing Look at the Relationship Between Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis and Interstitial Cystitis.  DHHS Roundtable:  Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin:  A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis.

Challenges in Managing the Patient with Chronic Prostatitis. 8-page Urology Rounds newsletter.

Changing Perspectives:  Treating CP/CPPS as IC.  8-page Urology Rounds newsletter.

Bacterial Prostatitis:  Evolving Directions in Appropriate Management.  16-page scientific monograph.

Bacterial Prostatitis:  Evolving Directions in Appropriate Management.  5 slide/lecture kits on epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and therapy of bacterial prostatitis, and antibiotic resistance concerns in bacterial prostatitis.

The Science and Art of Managing Bacterial Prostatitis.  Evolving Directions.  24-page scientific monograph.