
Genitourinary Infections

Evolving Etiology of Genitourinary Infections:  Clinical Implications.  8-page scientific newsletter.

Managing Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in Women in the Era of Antibiotic Resistance. 

Abstract Development:

                Diagnosis of Acute Cystitis:  Traditional and Evolving Approaches

                Epidemiology of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis

                The Use of Fluoroquinolones for UTI

                Traditional Therapies:  Back to the Future

                Pharmacologic and Non-pharmacologic Approaches for Prevention

                Antibiotic Resistance:  Complicating Uncomplicated Cystitis

                A Case-Based Look at Special At-Risk Populations:  The Pediatric Patient

 Slide Kit/Lecture Notes:  The Use of Fluoroquinolones for UTI

 Project management:  10 article supplement to the American Journal of Medicine entitled:   “Proceedings of a Symposium. The State-of-the-Art in the Management of Urinary Tract Infections”. 

 Scientific and Clinical Challenges in the Management of Urinary Tract Infections.  Journal supplement article.

 Epidemiology of UTIs:  Incidence, Morbidity, and Economic Costs.  Journal supplement article.

 The Etiology of UTI:  Traditional and Emerging Pathogens.  Journal supplement article.

 UTI:  Traditional Pharmacologic Therapies.  Journal supplement article.

 The Expanding Role of Fluoroquinolones in UTI.  Journal supplement article.

 UTI at the Age Extremes:  Pediatrics and Geriatrics.  Journal supplement article.

 Identifying and managing urologic infections among women in the Emergency Department.  30-minute ACEP video and accompanying monograph.

 The State-of-the-Art in the Management of Urinary Tract Infection. 24-page scientific article.

 The State-of-the-Art in the Management of Urinary Tract Infection.  16 page highlights newsletter for family physicians. 



Fungal Infections

A Step in the Right Direction: Optimizing Treatment Outcomes in Tinea Pedis. (Slide deck)

 Nailing the Cure: Advancing the Management of Onychomycosis. (Slide deck)

 Current Status on Intermittent Therapy for Onychomycosis.  Journal article

 Econazole Nitrate.  22-slide presentation and lecture commentary.

 Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Managing Cutaneous Mycosis.  Journal article.

 Managing Mycoses in Children.  Journal article.

 Asthma Induced by Allergy to Trichophyton rubrum: A case report.  Journal article.

 Trichophyton rubrum onychomycosis in a 17-year old female.  Journal article.

 Relapse and Reinfection:  Strategies in the Prevention and Management.  30 minute slide/lecture presentation.

 Select Therapeutic Challenges:  Why do some fail treatment?  30 minute slide/lecture presentation.

 Onychomycosis Treatment Failures:  The Bacterial Solution.  Poster presentation.

 Safety of available oral antifungals.  Journal article.

 Case Report:  Asthma and Onychomycosis.  Journal article.

 Drug Induced Taste Loss:  Literature Review.  Journal article.

 Resistance:  Correlation to Vulvovaginal Candidiasis.  30-Minute Slide Lecture Presentation.

 Treatment Protocols for the Management of Cutaneous Mycoses.  30-minute slide lecture presentation.

 Vulvovaginal Candidiasis:  Oral and Topical Therapies.  30-minute slide lecture presentation.

 Challenges in Onychomycosis Treatment.  Poster presentation.

 Update of slide/lecture kit on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis

 Clinical Research:  From the bench to the bedside.  30-minute Slide/Lecture Presentation on Dermatology.

Safety of Available Antifungal Agents.  Monograph to accompany CME Video.

 Patient Acceptance of Intermittent or Pulse Itraconazole Therapy for Toenail Onychomycosis.  Scientific poster.

 Onychomycosis Roundtable Slide Presentations and Abstracts:

    "Differential Diagnosis:  The Clinical Challenge"

    "Traditional Management of Onychomycosis"

    "Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis:  The Forgotten Connection"

    "Onychomycosis and Quality of Life"

 Over the Counter Vaginal Antifungals:  Recommendations and Restrictions.  Scientific handout.

 Itraconazole for the Treatment of Onychomycosis and Dermatomycosis:  The One-Week Approach.  Scientific poster.

 The Second International Symposium on Onychomycosis:  An Update on the Issues.  12-page scientific newsletter.

Efficacy of Itraconazole in the Treatment of Nondermatophyte Onychomycosis of the Toenail.  Scientific article.

 Superficial Fungal Infections.  Synopsis paper for European Dermatology and Venerology conference.

 Itraconazole in the Treatment of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris.  Scientific poster.

 Itraconazole in the Treatment of Tinea Pedis.  Scientific poster.

The Evolving Role of Nondermatophytes in Onychomycosis.  Scientific article.
New Innovations in the Treatment of Superficial Fungal Infections.  Scientific manuscript.

 Itraconazole in the Treatment of Tinea Versicolor.  Scientific poster.

 Itraconazole in the Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff.  Scientific poster.

 Treatment of Tinea Capitis with Itraconazole:  Case Reports.  Scientific manuscript.

 Treatment of Tinea Capitis with Itraconazole.  Scientific poster.

 Treating Yeast Vaginitis.  Patient education handout.

 A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Evaluation of Itraconazole Capsules in the Treatment of Tinea Versicolor.  Scientific poster.

 Oral Itraconazole in the Treatment of Tinea Capitis.  Scientific poster.

 Nail Kinetics of Itraconazole.  Scientific poster.

 Update on the Management of Tinea Versicolor.  Scientific poster.

 The Psychological Aspects of Onychomycosis.  Scientific manuscript.

 Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Onychomycosis.  Scientific article.


Respiratory Tract Infections/Asthma

Develop 1-hour slide deck on lung cancer for pulmonologists

Develop 3 1-hour slide decks for primary care physicians and specialists on diagnosis and management of Severe Asthma

Diagnosis to Treatment Optimization: A case-based approach to effective management of allergy.  CME on-line case studies.

 Achieving Asthma Control:  Managing Beyond the Guidelines.  CME on-line case study.

 Optimizing Asthma Control:  The potential role of biomarkers in measuring outcomes and adjusting therapy.  CME on-line case-study.

 The Value of Moxifloxacin in Real-World Respiratory Tract Infections:  36-slide deck.

 Respiratory Tract Infections:  New Management Approaches.  30-minute ACEP video and accompanying monograph.

 Respiratory Tract Infections: New Management Approaches.  ACEP CME Video Script and accompanying monograph.

 NIAID-sponsored program on Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adult and Elderly Populations. 

60-slide kit and lecture commentary

30-minute videotape highlights program

16-page highlights newsletter

24-page highlights scientific monograph.

 Community Acquired Pneumonia.  ACEP CME Video program and accompanying monograph.

 Emerging and resistant pathogens in respiratory tract infection:  Diagnostic and treatment considerations.  AAFP Video/CME program and accompanying monograph.



Clostridium difficile Infection: The Hospitalist’s Role in Improving Patient Outcomes. 3-article journal supplement in The Hospitalist.



Hepatitis C

The use of evolving therapies in the management of Hepatitis C Infection.  30-minute AAFP video presentation and accompanying monograph.

Identifying and managing transfused patients with Hepatitis C in the 21st Century.  Newsletter



Miscellaneous - Infectious Disease

 Critical Factors in Choosing an Anti-Infective Agents:  Safety and Antimicrobial Resistance – How do the Ketolides Measure Up?  White paper.

STD Update '93:  STDs in the 90's.  ARHP Clinical Proceedings.